Robin loves collaborative storytelling and ghostwriting content in her clients’ personal voices. She builds relationships through deep listening and then crafts clear, concise stories for key audiences, freeing her clients to use their energies elsewhere. With a poet’s sensibility, Robin’s writing style is “rooted and grounded in a love of words.”
Robin and her family moved to South Florida from Louisville, Kentucky in 2004, just as the first of four major hurricanes thundered into town. Needing a break from the stresses of storms and decades of patient care as a licensed physical therapist, Robin began to explore her dream of writing full-time. Always curious and committed to community, she also began volunteering in the rehabilitation department of a sea turtle rescue organization and trained as a Power to Read tutor for elementary students.
With great intention, she leveraged her rich clinical experience as a PT to write many health and wellness articles for professional journals. From there, her writing services expanded as the needs of her clients grew. In 2007, she launched Labyrinth Wellness to merge her growing writing career with her knowledge of holistic healing practices and walking labyrinths. Since founding Green Treehouse Media in 2011, Robin has focused her storytelling gifts primarily on copywriting/editing and ghostwriting for individuals, small business owners, corporations, and nonprofits of all sizes and shapes.
She currently serves on the board of FemCity Miami, is a FemCity Founder’s Circle member, and enjoys volunteering with Chapman Partnership — the foremost provider of emergency housing in Miami, in close collaboration with the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust. When not writing for clients or volunteering, Robin is happiest writing and reading poetry, walking in nature, and listening to audiobooks. She’s passionate about protecting the environment and free public libraries. A quiet, friendly introvert, she also gets a little goofy over antique typewriters, independent bookstores, labyrinths, old dogs, dragonflies, and (of course) treehouses.
Though her beloved yellow Lab is no longer at her side, Lily will always have her place in the Treehouse.