I love blogging as a form of personal self-expression.  The mere act of composing a post – choosing my favorite photos, links and quotes to include – becomes a therapy session for me while also assisting me to work out new creative ideas and concepts.

If I am completely honest, however, I also enjoy sharing my personal writings with a larger audience. I really hope that other readers will want to connect with me through my blog. A wonderful way to do this type of sharing is through the social media outlet of a Facebook Page.

If you have a new Page, however, waiting for people to actually LIKE it can be an incredibly frustrating experience. You’ve worked hard to get your beloved page up on the Facebook forum, but until you have a minimum of 25 followers, your page will not be easily visible in searches or be able to be viewed outside of Facebook.

But just HOW do you get those first (blessed) twenty-five LIKES?

This weekend I tried a very specific “Action Request” on my personal Facebook Timeline with pretty amazing results. So much so that I quickly shared the approach with a few of my newest clients after setting up Facebook pages for them. And guess what? IT WORKED AGAIN!!!

That’s why I thought I’d share it with each of you as well….

You can write your very own “Action Request” by answering these five basic questions:

1. Who?

2. What?

3. Why?

4. When?

5. How?

Here is the actual example I used on my own Timeline:

“I’m looking for 15 more friends to LIKE my newest page (25 is a very important number on Facebook and will allow my page to show up in the general searches much better as well as outside Facebook). Would you please help me? Just click-through to my actual page and hit the LIKE button in the upper right-hand corner. Thanks!”

(Do remember to add your own newest URL to the Page at the end of your update so it shows right up in the post).

It’s important to direct folks to click-through all the way to your actual Facebook Page in your “Action Request” because otherwise some think that by merely liking your status update, it counts as a real LIKE on your page. Unfortunately, it does not.

If you try this technique, let me know, OK? I’d love to hear how it worked for you. If you are new to Facebook and not quite sure just how to create a Page for your own local business/organization/community cause/etc., please contact me right here in the greentreehouse.  I’d really love to work with you…

don’t be afraid to ask your friends for a little help
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